【双语视频】大江AI|冬至除了饺子居然还可以这么吃/The Eating Customs During Winter Solstice in Jiangxi
大江网/大江新闻客户端讯 冬至已至,寒风轻拂江西大地。从南昌的热豆腐与腌肉,到上饶的打麻糍果与晾萝卜;从宜春的糯米饭与鸡汤,到赣州的酒酿汤圆与羊肉汤;再到九江的打糯米粑与腌制腊肉腊鱼,各地习俗各具特色,共同编织出一幅幅冬至民俗的绚丽画卷。
The winter solstice has arrived, and the cold wind gently brushes the different regions of Jiangxi. The hot tofu and cured meat in Nanchang, the pounded glutinous rice cakes and dried radishes in Shangrao; the glutinous rice and chicken soup in Yichun, the fermented rice wine dumplings and mutton soup in Ganzhou; and the pounded sticky rice cakes and preserved salted meat and fish in Jiujiang, each region has its own unique customs, weaving together a magnificent picture of winter solstice folk customs.