【双语海报】大暑 | 时逢大暑 万物繁盛/Great Heat | Everything Flourishes
大江网/大江新闻客户端讯 7月22日迎来大暑节气,这是二十四节气中的第十二个节气,也是一年中最热的一个节气。繁华开,绿意浓,正是盛夏悦目时。此时,江西各地荷花争艳、白鹭翩跹、瓜果丰收,一切都是那么生机勃勃。
The Great Heat falls on July 22 this year, which is the twelfth solar term in the 24 solar terms and marks the hottest time of the year. It is a delightful midsummer time with flowers in full bloom and lush greenery in the woods. Lotus flowers are in full bloom, egrets are flying, and fruits are harvested in various places in Jiangxi. everything is so vibrant.