【双语海报】芒于播种 自有收获/Grain in Ear
大江网/大江新闻客户端讯 芒种,是二十四节气中的第9个节气,表示仲夏时节正式开始。从芒种开始一直到大暑,都是作物生长的旺季。因此,对中国大部分地区来说,芒种是一年中最忙的时节,是秋熟作物播种、移栽、苗期管理的关键期。
Grain in Ear, the 9th solar term in the 24 solar terms, marks the beginning of midsummer. From Grain in Ear to Great Heat, it is the peak season for crop growth. Therefore, Grain in Ear is the busiest season of the year in most areas of China. It is also a critical period for sowing, transplanting, and seedling management of autumn crops.
