【双语海报】秋意渐浓 硕果可期/ Beginning of Autumn Time for Harvest
大江网/大江新闻客户端讯 立秋,是二十四节气的第十三个节气。虽然是秋季的第一个节气,但对我国大部分地区来讲,秋季还未到来,暑热一时难消。立秋意味着庄稼开始成熟,金风送爽,稻香四溢,粮仓丰盈,正是一年好“丰”景。
The Beginning of Autumn is the 13th solar term of the 24 solar terms. Even though it marks the start of autumn, in most parts of China, the season has not arrived yet, and the heat is still lingering. The Beginning of Autumn signifies the ripening of crops. With the cool breeze bringing the fragrance of rice, the barns will soon be filled with grain. It is a great time for harvesting.